Sawako’s Bike-to-School Guide


Well, it’s that time of the year! Students around the world are heading back to class.
boy back to school on bike
So why should you bike to school?

For one, biking is first and foremost a fun activity! When biking to school, you get to see the neighborhood and experience the thrill of independence.  

cycling to school new year

During stressful times of tests and homework, biking can be one part of the day that brings joy.


Additionally, biking allows you to form a lifelong healthy habit! Regular physical activity helps us in so many ways, including physically and mentally.


To help you and your family experience the benefits of biking, take a look at these 3 tips for starting a bike-to-school routine.


Plan: To make the most out of biking to school, plan ahead. You’ll want to find a route that you are comfortable riding. Give this route a test ride the weekend before school starts. Also plan so that you have some extra time in the mornings to get going. Try getting out the door 10 minutes earlier than usual. (Packing the night before will also allow you to get out the door in without any added stress. We’re looking at you, bike locks!) Being prepared will ensure that the ride is smooth as can be!

back to school


Get a Tune Up: Your bike probably saw a lot of action this summer! Take the time to make sure your bike is in the right shape. Check the tire pressure, brakes, saddle height, front and rear lights, and clean and lubricate the bike chain. You can take your bike to a local bike shop if that’s easier for you. A full tune up might be about $50, but will ensure you peace of mind.


Review Cycling Safety: Cycling safely is key. So go over cycling safety techniques. You should know how to obey traffic signs and proceed with caution into intersections. Make sure you always look both ways. There are many resources on the Internet about biking safety. Check them out! And importantly: get a helmet you love to wear! 

girl cycling to work  

Remember, students aren’t the only ones who get an advantage from biking to school! Your community and teachers will surely see the benefits, too.


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