Why a Sawako Helmet is the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift This Year
For Mother’s Day and beyond, a stylish Sawako helmet will prove to be the perfect gift this year. By this Mother’s Day, we are now well-acquainted with the trials and tribulations of obeying stay-at-home orders to keep the Coronavirus at bay. This means that we are cutting out all unnecessary travel. Many of our favorite parts of daily life meant getting out of our front door: exercising at the gym, shopping comfortably.
Basically, we miss going places more than ever. Luckily, we still have the solo bicycle ride. When done with the safety guidelines in mind, a bicycle ride is a now an accessible way for more and more people to get a recommended 30–60 minutes of moderate to brisk activity to keep viruses away.
More than that, these days, we have to new find ways to keep not only our physical but also our mental health in check. When quarantined indoors to our solitary spaces, it is easy to go stir-crazy. A bicycle ride benefits our mood in many ways: It reduces stress and depression, helps you sleep better, and boosts productivity.

For those reasons, a stylish Sawako helmet is the perfect gift this year. A stylish helmet will help motivate the ones you love to hop on their bicycle for a safe ride.
As we all do our part to curb Coronavirus and help save lives, we also recommend a Sawako bicycle bell. This will allow you and loved ones to maintain an appropriate distance from others while sharing the road.

We are currently offering a free bell for every helmet purchased. This combo will make a perfect gift for someone you love.